Good year-round weather makes Alabama an attractive place to live. Individuals interested in renting a house or apartment in the Heart of Dixie will need an Alabama Residential Lease Agreement Form.
Also known as form 401, a lease agreement form is a binding contract between the landlord and tenant. It details the terms and conditions governing a property’s use in exchange for rent payments over a period of time. Standard forms have a one-year maximum duration; however, the specified duration can also be longer.
Before a tenant can proceed with the rental lease agreement form, they should pass a background check by the landlord. The first step to renting a residential property in Alabama is to submit an Alabama rental application. It comes with a non-refundable application fee.
The prospective tenant will fill out a template that will allow and aid the landlord in reviewing a potential tenant’s history. While doing a background check, the landlord will usually verify the tenant's identity, check their credit, and see if the applicant has a criminal and eviction history. This check is typically performed to evaluate a tenant’s capacity to pay rent.
If the landlord accepts a rental application, the tenant and landlord can move on to the residential lease agreement.