Pass-through Entity Information (Publication 129)

This page explains the tax obligations involved with distributions from pass-through entities (partnerships, S corporations, and fiduciaries) to members (partners, shareholders, and beneficiaries).

This page provides information for

Note: For the purposes of this page,

1. ​General Information Return to index 2. What is pass-through entity income?

Pass-through entity income is the income that partnerships, S corporations, or fiduciaries pass through to their members. Pass-through entity income is considered earned on the last day of the pass-through entity's tax year.

Return to index 3. What is PTE tax?

PTE tax is an elective tax on partnerships (other than a publicly traded partnership under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 7704) and subchapter S corporations effective for tax years ending on or after December 31, 2021, and beginning before January 1, 2026. An electing pass-through entity is subject to this tax for the privilege of earning or receiving income in Illinois in an amount equal to 4.95 percent (.0495) of the taxpayer's net income for the taxable year. Each partner or shareholder of an electing pass-through entity is allowed a credit against their own tax in an amount equal to 4.95 percent (.0495) times the partner or shareholder's distributive share of the net income of the electing partnership or subchapter S corporation.

Note: For tax years ending on or after December 31, 2023, an electing pass-through entity may deduct distributions to retired partners when computing their net income if the retired partner distributions are exempt from tax under Illinois Income Tax Act (IITA) Section 203(a)(2)(F). See IITA Section 201(p)(3)(A) for more information.

Return to index 4. How do I make the election to pay PTE tax?

The annual election to pay the PTE tax is made on Form IL-1065, Partnership Replacement Tax Return, or Form IL-1120-ST, Small Business Corporation Replacement Tax Return, for tax years ending on or after December 31, 2021, and beginning before January 1, 2026. The election is irrevocable after the extended due date for the taxable year of the election.

Return to index 5. How is PTE tax reported and received?