Module 13: Voting Rights in America

The original Constitution did not specifically protect the right to vote—leaving the issue largely to the states. For much of American history, this right has often been granted to some, but denied to others; however, through a series of amendments to the Constitution, the right to vote has expanded over time. These amendments have protected the voting rights of new groups, including by banning discrimination at the ballot box based on race (15th Amendment) and sex (19th Amendment). They also granted Congress new power to enforce these constitutional guarantees, which Congress has used to pass landmark statutes like the Voting Rights Act of 1965. While state governments continue to play a central role in elections today, these new amendments carved out a new—and important—role for the national government in this important area.

Learning Objectives
  1. Describe what the Constitution says about voting rights.
  2. Identify who can vote in America during various periods in our nation’s history
  3. Explore the role of federalism in the context of voting and elections in America.
  4. Discuss the groups that benefited from the 12th, 15th, 17th, 19th, 23rd, 24th, and 26th Amendments.
  5. Analyze battles at the Supreme Court over the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
  6. Describe the long battle over women’s suffrage, culminating in the 19th Amendment.
13.1 Activity: Voting in the Constitution

In this activity, you will reflect on the importance of the right to vote and the value of informed voters.

Review the following quote from Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, abolitionist, suffragist, poet, and writer:

“I do not think the mere extension of the ballot a panacea for all the ills of our national life. What we need to-day is not simply more voters, but better voters.”

Women’s Political Future, 1893 by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper

After reviewing the quote, discuss with a partner the following questions:

Present the Visual Info Brief: Frances Harper Quote on the board for the class to view. Define “panacea” for all students.

Share with the students additional information about Harper with the Info Brief: Frances Ellen Watkins Harper. Note the year of the quote. What can they say about the year in relation to voting rights in America? Understanding the social context of the time will help students explore the meaning of the quote in greater detail. Examine the importance of the year, as well as her gender and race, in understanding Harper’s quote.

Activity Synthesis
Have students share their reactions to the quote with a partner and then discuss it as a class.

Activity Extension (optional)
Invite students to review the transcript of the longer entry of Women’s Political Future and compare it with another famous speech from earlier in Harper’s life, We are All Bound Up Together.

Constitution 101 Resources
13.1 Visual Info Brief: Frances Harper Quote
Constitution 101 Resources
13.1 Info Brief: Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
13.2 Video: Voting Rights in America

In this activity, you will learn about the amendments, laws, and Supreme Court cases that have shaped voting rights in America.

Watch the following video about voting rights in America.

Give students time to watch the video and answer the questions on the worksheet.

Activity Synthesis
Have students identify the patterns they see in the history of the right to vote in America. Ask them to reflect on the role of voting in the American constitutional system, and why it is important for citizens to have the right to vote.

Activity Extension (optional)
Now that students have a better understanding of the history of voting rights in America, ask students to conduct additional research about voting rights and election practices during one of the time periods identified in the worksheet.

Constitution 101 Resources
13.2 Video Reflection: Voting Rights in America
13.3 Activity: Exploring Elections and Voting in the Constitution

In this activity, you will examine how the constitutional amendments have shaped elections and voting throughout American history. You will also explore the role of federalism in the context of elections and voting in America.

First, begin by reading the Info Brief: Elections and Voting in the Constitution. Then in your group, read the Interactive Constitution essay assigned to your group and take notes.

Constitutional amendments addressing election and voting rights: